Elite Runners
You must have run a qualifying time (or faster) in the current or previous calendar year to qualify for elite status at the Oak Tree. The time must be from an officially timed race in a half marathon or 10k.
Half Marathon Standard
Male 1:25:00 (half) or 39:00.0 (10k)
Female 1:35:00 (half) or 44:00.0 (10k)
Free race entry
All other runner benefits
To Register
E-mail oaktree@geneseevalleyconservancy.org with your First and Last Name, your qualifying time, and a link to those race results for confirmation.
Once your time is confirmed, you will be emailed a registration code to use for online registration.
To register as an elite you must send information in and be registered before August 1.
Half Marathon Course Record
Male 1:08.27 (Kip Tisia 2014)
Female 1:23.39 (Katherine Aldridge 2008)
If a new course record is set, the individual will receive $150.